Best Pregnancy Foods


Are you moving towards a new beginning? Going to welcome the best episode of your life. And, the last question is ” Are your pregnancy test results positive”. If yes, then let’s move on and welcome the little one with a healthy start. Not a surprise, but for the next nine months, you will be the center of attraction for your loved ones. It’s more than obvious for the family members, to give special treatment to the would-be mother. But, at this time the most important thing is how you care for yourself during those upcoming nine months and give birth to a healthy baby. Yes, you can do that. Getting pregnant and giving birth is a lifetime memory. You can make these moments unforgettable only when you are physically sound. I admit, it is really tough to keep yourself supercharged when your body is struggling to reduce the effects of those pregnancy hormones releasing each day. But, the 17 Best Pregnancy Foods mentioned in this article will help you do that.

Eating Healthy and Keeping yourself hydrated are the two most important things you have to do as an Expectant Mommy. Eating Healthy is nothing but including the best pregnancy foods in your meals to keep yourself fresh and energized. You have to very careful about your diet each day while you are pregnant. Your food should include all the Nutrients, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates, and Fiber essential for the growth of the Foetus inside you. Mindful eating is important for you at this time.

No worries, here in this article we are going to discuss the 17 Best Pregnancy Foods You Must Eat While You Are Pregnant. You can frame a Well Balanced Diet including these food items for all the upcoming trimesters to go. With this new responsibility ahead, make it healthy and well begun.

17 Best Pregnancy Foods

17 Best Pregnancy Foods To Eat While You Are Pregnant


This superfood needs no introduction. The best food that you can have any time without a second thought is the proteinaceous egg. Eggs are packed with all the essential nutrients required for the baby to grow. An egg is around 80 calories, with the best proteins, Vitamins, and Choline in it. To elaborate further, Vitamins in the egg help grow strong bones in your baby, and Choline is responsible for the baby’s neurological development. Regular intake of this power-packed food will prevent your baby from abnormal growth and low weight at the time of birth.


One of the richest sources of potassium that satisfies your hunger cravings with multi-nutrient capacity, bananas are amongst the best pregnancy foods available to us anywhere anytime. If you are suffering from those early pregnancy signs of morning sickness, tiredness, or fatigue, a banana is a right choice for sure. With around 80- 100 calories from a medium-sized banana, you can serve your goal of daily fruit intake easily. Having bananas every day will reduce the risk of pregnancy hypertension and stress headaches in expectant mommies. With bananas in your diet, your requirement of iron intake will also be fulfilled. While you are pregnant, there is always a fear of suffering from anemia, but bananas have the capacity to suppress all such kinds of fear and stress. So, remember to never miss a banana every day to have a healthy baby at the end.


Your baby’s growth and development in each trimester upcoming is the most important part of pregnancy. One such food source that will serve this purpose is Sweet Potatoes. You can have them as fries, in the sandwich base, or with milk in mashed form. Sweet Potatoes are the best sources of Beta carotene that will enhance the supply of Vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A will help in your baby’s organ development. And, not only that, sweet potatoes will serve your hunger cravings, make you feel full, and reduce your excess calorie intake with their rich and healthy fibrous composition. Sweet potatoes help to protect you from Gestational Diabetes and the most unwanted constipation during the period of pregnancy.


One of the most nutritious green vegetables amongst all others. Spinach has what not, Vitamins A, B, K, Magnesium, and Folic acid, everything necessary for the baby’s development. The ample amount of fiber in spinach will improve your digestion, reduce heartburn and constipation. Also, spinach is a rich source of Vitamin A which leads to your baby’s brain and lung development.


These are food items that are enriched with fiber, Vitamins, and nutrients such as Magnesium which are essential to be included in the pregnancy diet. While you are pregnant, your food habits should be such that it helps your baby grow in a normal way and make you free from complications of pregnancy. Whole-grain foods such as Oats, Quinoa, Barley, Brown Rice will supply you with an ample amount of fiber that is around 30 gms daily on average. Eating food items that are rich in fiber helps to prevent constipation that is very common in expectant moms.  Also, they are a good source of Magnesium, Calcium, and zinc required for your baby’s teeth and bone development.


Pulses are a great source of protein, fiber, and folate which is a combination of Vitamin B9 and B12. Folate is a necessary compound for the growth of the baby inside the womb. It is responsible for the formation of new cells and maintenance of the existing cells in the fetus. In addition to this, daily intake of pulses helps in blood sugar control because of its slow digestion despite making you feel fuller and that too for a long time.


Fish and Fish Liver Oil support pregnant women and their babies in several ways. The high protein omega- 3 Fatty acids including DHA(Docosahexaenoic acid) helps in your baby’s neurological and visual development. Along with that the Vitamins B12 and D present in seafood and shellfish helps in the development of strong bones of the baby in the fetus. Also, iron and other minerals such as zinc, selenium, and iodine are equally important for pregnant ladies and their baby’s growth in the early stages. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the years 2020- 2025, pregnant ladies with their fetal baby should limit the intake of Mercury in their diet by eating more nutritious fish that are lower in mercury. You can refer to this chart to find the fish which are advised by FDA and EPA according to their mercury levels.


One of the healthiest foods for pregnant ladies that will trigger your brain to feel fuller for a long time and stop your cravings right away. Avocados have what not, almost all Vitamins and minerals that will help in your baby’s overall development. Snack on this superfood and reduce the chances of Pregnancy Hypertension, Headaches, and fetal abnormalities in your child. Moreover, Avocados serve as a very good source of folate which is required for the multiplication of cells and growth of your little one to come.


With a lot of benefits, broccoli can replace your folic acid supplements prescribed by your Gynaecologist. In addition to that, Broccoli will protect you from knee or joints pains and even gestational diabetes which pregnant women are most prone to. But, the best advantage of eating Broccolli is it improves digestion and reduces constipation. The changes in hormone secretion and intake of supplements can slow down the process of digestion and lead to constipation. But Broccolli in this situation will help to reduce constipation resulting in a healthy pregnancy.


Enriched with calcium and protein, yogurt will fulfill your supplementary requirements if taken in moderation. One of my favorites while I was pregnant with my second one. It was a way to suppress my cravings each day in every trimester and I had it every day without a second thought. Your daily calcium requirement while you are pregnant is around 600 gms and having yogurt every day with fruits and berries will help you achieve this.


The most used terms you get to hear while you are pregnant is none other than Health and Nutrition. With its constitution of omega 3 fatty acids, protein, Vitamins A, E, D, and K, your diet will be easily balanced with the black-eyed Beans. You must always keep on adding varieties to your food with the best pregnancy foods, healthy for you and your baby. This will make a change and sustain your love for food even during difficult times. The Black-eyed beans is a multi-cuisine food item that can be cooked in a variety of ways. So, try these while you are pregnant and enrich yourself with health and happiness.

12. NUTS

Are you dreaming of having a genius little one after nine months? If yes, then start to snack on nuts. You can try on varieties of them. Be it almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts, all of these are healthy for you and your baby. Have them in the limits advised, not more than a handful of them. They are enriched sources of protein, omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin E and K, and folate as well. So, have them in moderation whenever snacking or craving certain foods as substitutes.


Are you craving sweet and want to snack on ice cream and chocolates this pregnancy? We do have options for you. Instead of artificial sugar, go for a natural choice, snack on those delicious dates. Dates give you energy, nutrients, Vitamins, Iron, and even the required carbohydrates during pregnancy. Dates contain an ample amount of fiber to relieve you from constipation which is very common during this period. Also, the folate content helps your baby to grow without abnormalities. Vitamins and especially Vitamin K helps to develop the bones and muscles in the little one. Moreover, Dates are one of the best pregnancy foods that you need during each of the three trimesters to go, so go for it without a second thought.


Are you lactose intolerant? If no, do not skip this food item while you are pregnant. Paneer has all that you and your baby need during the period of nine months. It has calcium, phosphorus, protein, and omega3 fatty acids that are mostly required for pregnant women. Calcium and phosphorus serve the purpose of developing a baby’s bone and teeth. Proteins help to develop the muscles and prevent any abnormalities in your baby. But, keep in mind to have it in a moderate amount because high consumption of Paneer may lead to excess weight gain or certain problems related to digestion.

16. KIWI

This is a fruit enriched with Vitamin C, E, and A to make you and your baby’s immune system strong as we all know that women while pregnancy can easily suffer from infections which are dangerous for the growing fetus. Kiwi is also rich in fiber and folate which is very essential for pregnant women during all the trimesters to reduce constipation and improve fetal growth.

17. KALE

This all-in-one food item provides you with all the essential nutrients required when you are pregnant. They have all of them, Vitamins A, E, K, C, Folate, Calcium, Iron, and Fiber. The fiber content will help you get rid of any severe constipation which is common in pregnancy with enhanced bowel movements. The Vitamins help to build strong immunity and overall development of the growing fetus.  You can add this food to your regular meals or snack on it as Salad.


Pregnancy is a period unforgettable to all expectant mommies. But, these memories should be healthy and happy. There are many things that can help you make those moments memorable forever. Go for Self-care activities, start with Prenatal yoga classes, Go for a walk every day for at least half an hour, and last but not least, have these best pregnancy foods which we discussed above as a part of your regular diet. All of these activities when executed together will make the period of pregnancy the most memorable in your life.

Do you have memorable moments of your pregnancy time, then make yourself remind those by sharing with us. Or else, if you are on the way to create those memories, then take care of yourself and always keep yourself healthy and happy and share your current experiences with us to make them more cheerful.



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