January 26, 2021
10 Best Skin Care Tips For Naturally Healthy Skin

10 Best Skin Care Tips For Naturally Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin is a reflection of overall wellness”

Health is the door to Happiness. When you are healthy, you can enjoy life to its fullest. Healthy skin will make you glow with confidence anytime anywhere you are. Yes! this is the consequence and all it needs is your attention. Skincare is special and if this is true, devote this to your special time as well. Care for your skin each day with these 10 Best Skin Care Tips of mine and enjoy naturally glowing skin.

Go Natural on your Skin

Go For Natural Skin Care!

You must be thinking why do it naturally when we have loads of artificial beauty products in the market available at our fingertips. I have an answer! Artificial beauty products are always a mixture of chemicals composed together to produce instant results. But the coin has two sides always. Anything may happen, your skin may be dry, oily or you may develop acne or skin damage after its prolonged use. You can use trustworthy and proven products from renowned brands but don’t get addicted to them.

Today, I am discussing with you these Top 10 Skin Care Tips which will make your skin naturally healthy and nourished. Introduce them in your regular skincare routine and discover the benefits.


10 Best Skin Care Tips For Naturally Healthy Skin

Drink Plenty Of Water

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Always remember to drink plenty of water each day. This reduces the dryness of the skin and maintains the elasticity of your skin. Not only that, drinking plenty of water at regular intervals keeps your skin away from acne, scars, darkness, and aging lines as well. So, this should be the first and foremost thing each one of us should start right away if you desire to have naturally glowing skin.


Avoid Harsh Chemicals, Use Natural Oils

2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals, Use natural oils

The primary dress you wear on your body is the skin you have, so be good to your skin. When your skin comes in contact with harsh chemicals it may lead to various skin problems such as irritation, corrosion, rashes, pimples, acne, and skin cancer which is the worst out of them. But at the same time, the use of natural oils has the opposite effect on your skin. They have an everlasting effect with a natural glow to your skin.

Eat Healthy Food

3. Nourish Your Skin with Proper Diet

Note this point as the most important one! Make your skin healthy with a properly balanced diet. A properly balanced diet means vegetables, fruits, proteins, carbohydrates from whole grain foods. Food which is rich in Antioxidants is considered best for the body as they protect your skin from damage and corrosion done by free radicals.


Go For Vitamin C intake

4. Go For Regular Vitamin C intake for a healthy skin

A higher intake of Vitamin C means increased production of collagen in your body which will help reduce the free radicals to act on your skin. In addition, Vitamin C helps to neutralize those free radicals to let your skin look young and rejuvenated. Moreover, the antioxidant properties of  Vitamin C prevent the skin from premature aging as well.


Moisturize Skin Regularly

5. Moisturize your Skin at frequent intervals

You can protect your skin from wrinkles, premature aging, or acne scars if you regularly moisturize it before getting dried out due to weather conditions or because you have a dry skin texture. You can make use of natural moisturizing oils such as olive or coconut oil which works the best on dry skin. But if you prefer using moisturizing lotions they also are a very good option. Go for whatever suits your skin and is not harmful to the skin in the long run.


Eat Fruits And Vegetables

6. Prefer to include fruits and vegetables as the biggest portion of your Food

As mentioned earlier, Vitamin C is the magical remedy for your skin rejuvenation and regeneration with its collagen-producing property. Likewise, Vitamin E is also an antioxidant which helps in strengthening your immune system and makes your skin healthy. So, when you eat lots of green, leafy and juicy fruits, and vegetables you absorb more of these helpful vitamins which nourish your skin from aging and corrosion.


Avoid exposure to Direct sunlight

7. Avoid Your Skin from exposure to Direct Sunlight

Protect your skin from direct exposure to the UV rays whenever you are out in the sun. Exposure to sunlight damages the elastin fibers that constitute our skin. As a result, the skin starts to stretch and sag from its usual texture, and slowly over time, your skin will show the signs of early aging and wrinkles which I believe no one of us wants to have. You can use goggles, Scarfs, and hats if you cannot restrict yourself from getting exposed to the sun-rays.

Exercise Regularly

8. Go For Regular Exercise

Exercise has a ton of benefits to your body and skin. Exercising regularly increases blood flow in the body which increases the supply of oxygen to the skin cells and nourishes our skin. In addition to that, increased blood flow also flushes out the toxic waste and free radicals from the body in the form of sweating. So, go on and sweat out the waste to get back your nourished skin with exercise.


Nourish your Skin With Homemade Facemasks

9. Nourish Your Skin With Homemade Facemasks and Ayurvedic Products

Nourishing your skin with DIY Homemade Face -masks will keep your skin away from harsh chemicals no matter how often you use them. Moreover, this will retain the natural glow in your skin. You can even go for skincare products that have natural herbs as ingredients. I tried with Patanjali’s face cream and likewise some other skincare cosmetics and it worked. You can order them online at Amazon or buy them from your nearby centers as they are available worldwide.


Say "No" To Stress and Anxiety

10. Say ‘No’ to Stress and Anxiety, Try Breathing Techniques

Have you ever thought of getting overstressed or anxious can also affect our skin health? It’s the hormone Cortisol which gets secreted in our body when we are struggling with our anxiety and stressful thoughts. It increases oil production in our body as a result of which we can experience acne, breakouts in the skin, pimples, and gradually aging signs as well. So, take out some time for deep breathing techniques that lower stress and anxiety to regulate the level of hormone secretion. Avoid excessive thinking and take out some ‘ me time’ to maintain your body and skin health.


So, these were the tips that can boost your skincare to the next regime. It’s you and only you who knows the body and skin type that you have from outside and within. So, go ahead and listen to your body, care for it because this is the only one which will exist till your existence in this world.

Please share your secrets to skincare and let me know your views about these Skin care tips I believe each one of us should follow. 





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